You start off with just a white screen but I quickly paint-bucketed a grey color onto the canvas since it's easier on the eyes and to judge colors a bit better. Though I really didn't take too much time on color theory. one thing to note though is that with the limited tools that exists, the circle tool came as a god send, I don't think I was able to get a outlined circle tool but you can simply make a solid colored circle then use the canvas color to make a outlined ring circle if you ever need to in your sketches. Here you can see me preping my piece a bit. Keep in mind that I'm only going to show three photos due to not wanting to overwhelm the screen and to be frugal with my free neocities storage limit of 1GB.
(The next photos you can see that I've switched to direct screenshots from a capture device, I showed you my crt to hopefully convence people that I'm running on real hardware!) The next step is to block in color. After that you can see me trying to do some odd orb reflection effect where the yellow flower is upside down due to... p h y s i c s, I kinda gave up with symmetry due to how the dpad just isn't accurate enough for percise drawing. Another wish I had was for the software having a zoom function to make more detailed & accurate marks, I actually messed up on the orb once & fat fingured the triggers on the saturn controller (resizing brush & drawing over le flower) & had to redo the orb again. Thus why you'll see on the next picture why I've opted for a red flower so the asymmetric flowers wouldn't be so off putting on a reflecting orb in this piece.
After fumbling around & fat fingering a trigger, causing the cursor size to paint over my orb, then making me have to repair that part... I then casted out care & just went free for all & did the forest, lake, houses, other decoratives. I tried doing dithering on the clouds which really helps with making color transition nicer. didn't do much dithering on the flowers & just did basic shadows & highlights. I had the saturn on for 5hr. & felt that I needed to just get it done. I kinda worry too about the health of the CD drive too since the seaking light is always on. After all said & done. It was fun. the one minute piano music loop was pleasant & magicaly felt never annoying & helps with relaxation & focus when making art on the sega saturn! though I might make a reburned copy & replace the music with 1hr of surreal relaxing music for my next session with this neat piece of homebrew. (I found out the cd before burning uses a swapable BGM file you can possibly replace with your own file) took me 5hrs to do this enough time where I've eaten dinner between sessions. with all that, I'm happy with the results & glad that I can make art on the fun perculiar Sega Saturn. For now, why not stick around, have some tea, & enjoy the lake view! Hope you a good day, See you next time!

Tadah! click here for bigger resolutions of these pics!